Country: World
Since 2007, FAO has piloted in Uganda, together with its partners, a community-driven approach, called “Caisses de Résilience” (CdR), which reflects a new way of thinking for FAO’s resilience agenda. The approach promotes an integrated way of programming by working simultaneously on three mutually reinforcing dimensions: technical, financial and social. The objective is to engage and empower rural smallholders to leverage their existing capacities to better manage risks and to seize local opportunities.
The webinar presents the basic concepts of the 'Caisses de résilience' and highlight the adaptability of this approach in order to tailor resilience-building to varying contexts and challenges, from protracted crisis to natural hazards. It gives concrete examples of implementation and scaling-up in a number of African countries, from Uganda to Central African Republic, Liberia, Malawi, Mali and Chad, and recently also in Burundi, Guinea Bissau, Burkina Faso, Senegal and Democratic Republic of Congo. The session also illustrates how the approach was adapted in 2013 in Honduras and Guatemala to address the natural hazards context of the Dry Corridor area in Central America with an initiative called “Fondos Mutuos de Contingencia (FMC)” (or Community Contingency Funds, CCFs).- See more at:
How to register:
Watch a recording of the webinar here.